Does any of the following resonate with you?

  • You have faced significant struggles such as trauma, relationship breakdown, mental health issues or burnout.
  • You feel unfulfilled in your career and feel stuck.
  • You feel that you have neglected yourself to the point that you feel disconnected from yourself, your passions and your goals and aspirations.
  • You feel held back by limiting beliefs from the past but struggle to free yourself from them.

Are you...

  • Ready to work on your limiting beliefs and free yourself from these shackles that have held you back for so long.
  • Ready to live a more balanced, healthy, fulfilled life and have more time and energy to focus on your self care and for the friends and family who are important in your life.
  • Ready to be empowered and motivated to step into creating a life full of meaning, joy and fulfilment.

If you’ve said yes to any or all of the above then here’s where I would love to step in. With my intuitive, tailored approach I can help navigate you from where you are right now with your struggles, to living an empowered and thriving life by arming you with powerful tools to help break old patterns and free yourself from limiting beliefs. I will help you understand your values because when you are clear on your values you can use these as your compass in life.

I will also help you look at how you maintain a sense of balance and importantly help you identify what your self care needs are to help you feel energised, positive, connected and healthy which will ultimately help you avoid spiralling with stress, overwhelm and hitting burnout.

We’ll take a look at relationships, patterns of disempowering communication styles and explore how your thoughts can ultimately create your reality.

I will support you on your journey and create a safe judgement free space to help you get clarity on what you want and gain understanding on what’s holding you back.

We may have to take a look at your past to understand your present circumstances so the journey may be tough at times.

I will provide you with the accountability you need to ensure you take the action steps required to move you towards achieving an empowered thriving life.



This is a bespoke, personalised 1:1 transformation coaching program.

This program is for you if you are truly committed to your personal growth and transformation and are ready to shift your mindset, reclaim your luminescent radiance and step into an empowered fulfilled version of yourself.

So, are you ready to take the next step?

In the first session we will explore what area of your life you’re most dissatisfied with and take a deeper dive into what you specifically want to change. We’ll work on setting inspiring goals and intentions in this first session, so you’ll have clarity on what you are focussing on and working towards. From here I will work with you on your own bespoke transformational coaching journey utilising various tools, techniques and resources.

What’s included:

  • 1 x pre-coaching questionnaire.
  • 1 x 30-minute clarity call to discuss your intentions for working together.
  • 12 x 1:1 coaching sessions (conducted via zoom). 60 minutes, every 2 weeks.
  • Support in between sessions via Whatsapp or email.
  • A special gift through the post prior to starting the program.
  • Worksheets, tools & resources


This is Dr Shyra Raj's signature 1:1 coaching program. It includes everything within the standard 1:1 package with the addition of a Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT)® session prior to starting the coaching in order to address any key issue you feel is holding you back. If you click on the link then this will give you more information about RTT® but essentially it utilises a combination of powerful techniques such as hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) to identify the root cause of the issue, eradicate the limiting beliefs created and implant new empowering beliefs.

The combination of RTT® followed by your 1:1 bespoke coaching program can really skyrocket the breakthroughs you can achieve in your life.

By removing old limiting beliefs and destructive, disempowering behaviour patterns and reprogramming your subconscious mind with new empowering beliefs this can be immensely powerful in helping you achieve your goals and ultimately an empowered and thriving life.

What's Included:

  • 1 x 30-minute clarity call to discuss your intentions for working together
  • 1 x pre-RTT questionnaire to complete
  • 2 hour RTT session (can be conducted via zoom)
  • 15 minute RTT follow up call (via zoom)
  • 1 x pre-coaching questionnaire.
  • 12 x 1:1 coaching sessions (conducted via zoom). 60 minutes, every 2 weeks
  • Support in between sessions via Whatsapp or email.
  • A special gift through the post prior to starting the program.
  • Worksheets, tools & resources